Thursday 6 August 2015

Innodo – Course of Events [VII]: IIMPHOMEDO

Innodo – Course of Events [VII]: IIMPHOMEDO

Traffic Light (Robot in South African Taal)
It came to my mind that I should talk about what is termed Ukubopha IImphomedo among the Ndebele people. What exactly are IImphomedo? This is a question many young people won’t answer. Frankly speaking I also did not know of such but have seen it in many households in the KwaDlawulale Region. Ukubopha IImphomedo is an activity which takes place before a ceremony will be performed. This is done by Women called AmaQhakazana or Amaspitikopi and these are Ndebele Women highly dressed in Traditional Clothes (Amaphotho) and who have spent five years in marriage or less. It is a task of decorating the yard with beautiful Traffic Light (Robot) like objects and South African Flags which has many colors with a good taste to the Ndebele people. This acts as a message that there will be a ceremony in that particular household. The ceremony is called iQude as described in other Articles. The ceremony is thought to be a big one when they’ve installed IImphomedo. It is big in a way that it includes other ceremonies such as Idwendwe. A similar activity of Ukubopha IImphomedo is also done among the Pedi people before there will a wedding but they also have a term for it. They in particular use white flags which symbolizes a wedding to come.  So, next time you see Traffic Lights (Robots) and Flags (South African or Plain White) in the villages you must then know that there will be a very big ceremony of iQude or Wedding in that household.



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