Monday 15 June 2015

Innodo – Course of Events [IV]: CONTENTIONS

Innodo – Course of Events [IV]: CONTENTIONS

Ndebele Blanket, Edited.

Ever heard of fights among Traditional Music Artists? We have noticed such among the greatly talented Zulu singers of Maskandi. Insofar Maskandi is the most outstanding type of Traditional Music with many talented singers and other Artists of different ethnic groups drew inspiration from them and started singing in their own languages. Due to copy-cats hence other Artists end up shooting painful words directed to those who abuse their work. This has also been regarded as a game among singers just as in politics. Is such happening among the Innodo singers? As far as I am concerned I have never heard of any rivalry among the Innodo singers even though it might be happening but not noticeable. The Ndebele people are not large in numbers and are known as sensitive or shy people who only express themselves loudly with colorful paintings. How many people have you met in urban areas who are Ndebele by origin but speak another language such as Zulu or Sepedi? Well, personally I have met many and when asked about not speaking their language proudly they often say they do not want to be laughed at. Just like all people they speak other languages because they want to be heard and understood by those who do not understand the Ndebele language with so many R’s, Rha’s Kgha’s and borrowed Afrikaans words. I believe that the only thing that can harbor resentment in one’s heart when listening to Innodo is the exposure in dodging the Ndebele customs and ordinary mistakes we make in our daily lives. The famous Saai Plaas Boys who often say “Silele Ekhoneni” which means sleeping in a street corner are very good at warning people about the mistakes they make but again not so quickly in giving solutions to those mistakes. As for example there is a song entitled “Ngatjhiywa Bangani Bami” or My Friends Have Left Me, they are warning about being in many relationships, going to different hotels with different partners and moving with the clothing fashion. The message is that when one is absorbed by such things they end up in trouble later on in life while their friends are already married and settled in their homes.

Ngatjhiywa Bangani Bami
"Yelele mna ngatjhiywa bangani bami,
Yelele mna ngahlalela ubuBhayi,
Yelele mna ngikhambe ngigega neFetjheni,
Yelele mna ngikhambe ngilala emaHotela,

Ngatjhiywa bangani bami ngahlalela ubuBhayi,
Abantu bakutjhiya ucalile solo uthi batjho wenza izinto ezimnandi,
Ukhamba ulala le utjhinga le na le,
Weba abantu babantu utjhinga le na le,
Bayakutjhiya abangani bakho uyasela wena,
Ubuhlakaniphi abuberegi, iinhlakaniphi siyazibona zoke nje,
Zifana neNngwenya zamaBhande,
Siyakhamba thina!

Yelele mna ngatjhiywa bangani bami,
Yelele mna ngahlalela ubuBhayi,
Yelele mna ngikhambe ngigega neFetjheni,
Yelele mna ngikhambe ngilala emaHotela,

UbuBhayi buyabetha, bubetha ngapha nangapha,
unguMma, , uMntazana, uyiNdoda, uLisokana unguBaba kuyafana,

It is obvious that the person who is involved in such acts will not like the song at all, it exposes their dirty acts and that is itself a solution to the problem. The Saai Plaas Boys lead singer July “Wara” Mahlangu is indeed a Genius. Just imagine playing this song while driving with your girlfriend, wife or “side chick”, don’t you think it will hurt and make you realize the mistakes you are doing? Surely it will. The song can be related to many dirty activities we are doing on a daily basis and will help us change for the better. Big up to Saai Plaas Boys with such painful but true words. We must also remember that Artists often learn from their past mistakes and let us not repeat the same things.

Another hit by the Saai Plaas is entitled “Umuntu Ulala Aphenduka” which means a person changes while sleeping. It is a very fine tune warning people that they will never understand each other at some point because they think alike. At all costs you may tell your girlfriend or wife not to do this or that but once you go elsewhere they start doing exactly what you said they must not do.

Umuntu Ulala Aphenduka

"Yel’ umuntu yena ngeze wamrhona may’ umuntu mna ngob’ ucabanga nje ngawe,
Ngumalal’ aphenduka,
Uzokuvele akutjele amala,
Ngumalal’ aphenduka ngeze wamrhona may’ umuntu ngob’ ucabanga nje ngawe,
Nom’ akhamba ebusuku ngeze wamrhona…"

Last but not least from the famous “Wara” is entitled “Ithemba Lami” which reminds me of Mfazomnyama in his poetry when He said “Umuntu wasemakhaya akahlali nomuntu welok’shini” which means a person from rural areas does not date the one from urban areas, often such people have different mind-sets and a way of doing things. The message here is that people are no longer trustworthy nowadays, once you go elsewhere they begin with their dirty acts. A person from the rural KwaDlawulale Villages will say that their Sweet Love is in Pretoria only to find out they are fooling themselves, at times given names such as "Umsana wemaP'lasini", "Umfana wemaP'lazini", "Inkwenkwe yaseZilaleni" or "Rural / Farm Boy".   

I hope there won’t be any contentions among Ndebele singers but only advices to change us for the better. Painful it may be these Artists are indeed giving us that which we do not want to hear in our hearts which is by the way good for us when we accept it. 

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