Thursday 18 June 2015

Innodo – Course of Events [V]: DIE-HARDS / TRADITIONALISTS

Innodo – Course of Events [V]: DIE-HARDS / TRADITIONALISTS

R573 Road To KwaDlawulale, Edited.

Driving from Denneboom Taxi Rank on the R573 road towards KwaNdebele listening to Ikwekwezi FM and taking pictures of different places is such a great experience. This effected by the feelings of being on the South African soil and looking forward to see the family bring tears when looking back at the challenges one overcame. It is so true to some extent that spending more time abroad makes one to be close to their customs than before and appreciate the efforts of people who are always ready to help. I am certain that some people inside the taxi were amazed by this boy who did not care but took snap-shoots of every place until we arrived in Groblersdal Taxi Rank. The only thing which made it possible not to disclose my whereabouts was a lack of  a “sim-card” on my mobile phone, had it been there I was going to make endless calls and surely somehow disclose in my conversation that I am back from overseas. Thanks God that boastful action did not occur!  
Today I am discussing the attitude of a Die-Hard or Traditionalist to be precise. It is often the norm that those who listen to Traditional Music are very hard-headed, old-fashioned and stubborn. Is that true? Surely I do not think so, look most people who also subscribe to such music are not even hard-core traditionalist. As I mentioned before in another article, it is just a matter of taste and the understanding of what the Artists are delivering. In most cases it is the familiar experiences that we have which make us to easily relate or connect to this kind of music. Some who are from traditional families no longer care about their customs because of the so many reasons, one reason is that they believe it does no benefit them by anything and another is rooted from their recent believes. Many question the validity of this customs especially after becoming Christians and they do have a point/s which I am not going to discuss for now.
Well then, I was surprised at some point in time that my father did not fully know the family praise poetry or “Isithakazelo” and when asked about such He said that his late father who is my grandfather did not teach him. In 2011 I made efforts to learn as much as I can about the Masango family praise poetry and asked two of my grandfathers who were alive at that time and they taught me. All I wanted to know was its meaning and how it started. They themselves did not know where it started but found it to be as it is from their fathers. You see, because they did not become inquisitive I then questioned their seriousness about the customs they are so immensely into. I have to mention that one painful thing which also gave me some doubts was the words they all give when they do not have answers, “Sithole kunjalo, isiko lisiko” which means we found it that way, tradition is tradition.
So, an attitude of a Traditionalist in my understanding should be one of the most generous. Since customs are deeply about love, respect, discipline and so on therefore it will be unnatural for our elders to have a peculiar attitude even to things they are not familiar with such as the education of their children up to University level. Once there was a believe that when one has completed Matric they must go find work in the cities and help the family.  Nowadays we live in a very demanding and challenging world and Matric no longer holds as a ticket to success. It is often in education that these traditional people back away, a child may successfully complete high school and not able to further their studies at University level because of the believe from parents that they are now ready for work. I have seen men who are ready to sacrifice anything at any cost for their children to undergo traditional rituals such as the initiation or “Engomeni” (For Males) and “Equdeni” (For Females) and so on but less dedicated in educating their children up to University level. There are many other examples but to be honest a true traditionalist is the one who still retains the values of Ubuntu. Whether you are a Traditionalist or not, do not be a Scrooge! Listen to Innodo and still play your role in the family.

Below are hits by Vukuzenzele.
They are from Tafelkop Village, a place where I come from and one of the best songs is about Baba uVukuzenzele who helped the group to emerge. Nothembi Mkhwebane also helped the group to record their music. They sing about Baba uVuka and thank him for all his efforts in helping people. 

"Woyaya, Yaya yaya,
Woyaya, Yaya yaya,
Thina s’khulele,
KwaMahlungulu ngaphasi kwentaba,
Ngaphasi koWuba noKomekazi,
Thina s’bambaneni ngezandla,
Siyokuvelela phezulu,
Siyokuvelela konoMtjharhelo phezu kwantaba.

Siyi Vuka Uzenzele,
uVuka lithole likanaMrhalaNgudwana kaMasango
“Vukani Madoda kusile sinyukele ngaphetjeya kweBhalule”
Aye ngatjho ukuhlabana ipi yegazi ayetjho ukuthi ukuhlabana ipi yokuphilisa abantwana.
Nang’ uVuka uhlale wandlandla,
Entabeni yaseRamotlokolo,
Wavelel’ eTafelkop,
Wahlala wandzindza entabeni yangehla kwegweni,
Utjhinga uRammupudu!
Yindoda engasengwa ligidigidi lamadoda esengwa yimunye!

Woyaya, Yaya yaya,
Woyaya Yaya yaya,
Thina s’khulele
KwaMahlungulu ngaphasi kwentaba."

Dube LakaBaba

"S’yelele Mama, isiyelele Mama,
Woya siyelele Mama,
Yel’ uDhorhodere msan’ uyabaleka,
Woya siyelele Mama,
Yelu’ msanyan’ akwethu uyang’lulukisa,
Woya siyelele Mama,
Yel’ iDube lakaBaba liyangitlhuwisa,
Woya siyelele Mama,
Basitjhiye sobababili sinoMnakwethu,
Woya siyelele Mama,
Ye ngiyalila mna,
Woya siyelele Mama,
Ye ngililela aboMma solo bayako,
Woya siyelele Mama,
Ye ngililela aboBaba solo bayako,
Woya siyelele Mama
Basitjhiye sobabili sinoMnakwethu,
Ye ngiyalila mna ngiyalila mna,
Yeyi yeyi yeyi…!
Lilili lilili lilili…!
Hihi Hihi Hihi…!
Angikuzwa Mege,
Angikuzwa naMnguni  abakwatj’ abagwinya umkhonto otjhisako,
Wafika emphinjeni warabalala!
Anginizwa Makhosikazi Amahle!
Sikhumbule ekhaya eRide (Tafelkop)
KwaMabhoko sindeni,
Umhlaba unethuli,
uMabhoko akathomi umuntu uthoma omthomako."


Monday 15 June 2015

Innodo – Course of Events [IV]: CONTENTIONS

Innodo – Course of Events [IV]: CONTENTIONS

Ndebele Blanket, Edited.

Ever heard of fights among Traditional Music Artists? We have noticed such among the greatly talented Zulu singers of Maskandi. Insofar Maskandi is the most outstanding type of Traditional Music with many talented singers and other Artists of different ethnic groups drew inspiration from them and started singing in their own languages. Due to copy-cats hence other Artists end up shooting painful words directed to those who abuse their work. This has also been regarded as a game among singers just as in politics. Is such happening among the Innodo singers? As far as I am concerned I have never heard of any rivalry among the Innodo singers even though it might be happening but not noticeable. The Ndebele people are not large in numbers and are known as sensitive or shy people who only express themselves loudly with colorful paintings. How many people have you met in urban areas who are Ndebele by origin but speak another language such as Zulu or Sepedi? Well, personally I have met many and when asked about not speaking their language proudly they often say they do not want to be laughed at. Just like all people they speak other languages because they want to be heard and understood by those who do not understand the Ndebele language with so many R’s, Rha’s Kgha’s and borrowed Afrikaans words. I believe that the only thing that can harbor resentment in one’s heart when listening to Innodo is the exposure in dodging the Ndebele customs and ordinary mistakes we make in our daily lives. The famous Saai Plaas Boys who often say “Silele Ekhoneni” which means sleeping in a street corner are very good at warning people about the mistakes they make but again not so quickly in giving solutions to those mistakes. As for example there is a song entitled “Ngatjhiywa Bangani Bami” or My Friends Have Left Me, they are warning about being in many relationships, going to different hotels with different partners and moving with the clothing fashion. The message is that when one is absorbed by such things they end up in trouble later on in life while their friends are already married and settled in their homes.

Ngatjhiywa Bangani Bami
"Yelele mna ngatjhiywa bangani bami,
Yelele mna ngahlalela ubuBhayi,
Yelele mna ngikhambe ngigega neFetjheni,
Yelele mna ngikhambe ngilala emaHotela,

Ngatjhiywa bangani bami ngahlalela ubuBhayi,
Abantu bakutjhiya ucalile solo uthi batjho wenza izinto ezimnandi,
Ukhamba ulala le utjhinga le na le,
Weba abantu babantu utjhinga le na le,
Bayakutjhiya abangani bakho uyasela wena,
Ubuhlakaniphi abuberegi, iinhlakaniphi siyazibona zoke nje,
Zifana neNngwenya zamaBhande,
Siyakhamba thina!

Yelele mna ngatjhiywa bangani bami,
Yelele mna ngahlalela ubuBhayi,
Yelele mna ngikhambe ngigega neFetjheni,
Yelele mna ngikhambe ngilala emaHotela,

UbuBhayi buyabetha, bubetha ngapha nangapha,
unguMma, , uMntazana, uyiNdoda, uLisokana unguBaba kuyafana,

It is obvious that the person who is involved in such acts will not like the song at all, it exposes their dirty acts and that is itself a solution to the problem. The Saai Plaas Boys lead singer July “Wara” Mahlangu is indeed a Genius. Just imagine playing this song while driving with your girlfriend, wife or “side chick”, don’t you think it will hurt and make you realize the mistakes you are doing? Surely it will. The song can be related to many dirty activities we are doing on a daily basis and will help us change for the better. Big up to Saai Plaas Boys with such painful but true words. We must also remember that Artists often learn from their past mistakes and let us not repeat the same things.

Another hit by the Saai Plaas is entitled “Umuntu Ulala Aphenduka” which means a person changes while sleeping. It is a very fine tune warning people that they will never understand each other at some point because they think alike. At all costs you may tell your girlfriend or wife not to do this or that but once you go elsewhere they start doing exactly what you said they must not do.

Umuntu Ulala Aphenduka

"Yel’ umuntu yena ngeze wamrhona may’ umuntu mna ngob’ ucabanga nje ngawe,
Ngumalal’ aphenduka,
Uzokuvele akutjele amala,
Ngumalal’ aphenduka ngeze wamrhona may’ umuntu ngob’ ucabanga nje ngawe,
Nom’ akhamba ebusuku ngeze wamrhona…"

Last but not least from the famous “Wara” is entitled “Ithemba Lami” which reminds me of Mfazomnyama in his poetry when He said “Umuntu wasemakhaya akahlali nomuntu welok’shini” which means a person from rural areas does not date the one from urban areas, often such people have different mind-sets and a way of doing things. The message here is that people are no longer trustworthy nowadays, once you go elsewhere they begin with their dirty acts. A person from the rural KwaDlawulale Villages will say that their Sweet Love is in Pretoria only to find out they are fooling themselves, at times given names such as "Umsana wemaP'lasini", "Umfana wemaP'lazini", "Inkwenkwe yaseZilaleni" or "Rural / Farm Boy".   

I hope there won’t be any contentions among Ndebele singers but only advices to change us for the better. Painful it may be these Artists are indeed giving us that which we do not want to hear in our hearts which is by the way good for us when we accept it. 

Monday 8 June 2015

Innodo- Course of Events [III]

Innodo - Course of Events [III]

Nothembi Mkhwebane [Queen of Ndebele Music, Edited]

Innodo - Course of Events [III]If you were to visit an urban area and ask for Traditional Music from people you befriend I am certain that they will laugh at you. The same thing will happen in the rural areas. This is because nowadays many young people do not subscribe to Traditional Music but to other genres which of course is not a bad thing but a matter of taste. It is only a few that listens to Traditional Music and those I have met share good stories about the messages delivered by different Artists. Today I am sharing songs from Amatjathangubo [cf. Amatshathangubo], Gamtjhiriri Band & Sophie Boys and Insimbi ZikaNyabela.

Insimbi ZikaNyabela – I have to say that I first listened to their Album in 2014 and among the incredible songs I found this one entitled “Zika-Mphezulu” to be very deep in my understanding. The song is more of praise poetry and the depth of the Ndebele language is widely used. Mphezulu is one of the Ndebele Traditional Leaders or “IKosi” in the KwaDlawulale Region. 


“Zangen' Insimbi zikaNayebela,
NgezikaMphezulu, ngezikaNyabel'ongehlulwako,
NgezikaGijamphezeni kaMabhoko,
Mabhoko sindeni umhlab' unethuli,
mhlana kunganathuli kumhlana kuyokuliwa.

NgezikaSobabuthene lezo, ngezikaMphezulu,
uMphezulu liSinya likaMaphepha,
NgelikaMaphepha ngotjani,
baphepha ngomlilo baphepha,
ngamanzi baphepha ngomoya,
eNndaweni ezib'disi eB'dlakadlani.

NgusoBabuthene loyo, wabuth' uManala,
wabuth' uNdzundza babakelo,
wabuth' isitjhaba sika-Sekhukhune nesikaMampuru "I yoo na yo".

Wathi yenibaleke niyokubhaqa KwaDlawulale,
nap' aboMehlwal'hlaza abondlebe zikhany' ilanga,
bagega neNdubazi, bagega neBhalule bagega noTjhatjhatjha,
bafun' uneba bayokuberega ngan' imali.

Insimbi zikaNyabela zaphum'eRholweni,
zagadang' esidakeni kesikaMatjhis' isigodi,
angusoliy' abantu noMaplankana kwaMthimunye,
sagadang’ eGagadwini kesikaJostay' Mahlangu isigodi,
zagadang’ emhlabaneni kesikaSomdiyelwa isigodi,
ngusiNghalela uMorozi Mahlangu.

Zenyuka kwaTomu, zatjhing' eMawulaneni,
zathi ziseMawulaneni bazitjhugulula,
baziqalis' ePitori kwesika De Clerk isigodi,
sagcina sithethwe nguMadiba uNelson Mandela.

Insimbi zikaNyabela madoda, madoda eyamako,
ayisibo abesegwabo.

Bantazana, bentazana abadlulisako,
ayisibo amatjhuburu.

Besana bami labo ngebemalamuleni
amanengi khulu,
Ngebemabhutateni, ngebenkurwaneni eenengi khulu,
Inkurwana zona ungazibala ngeS’khuwa ngeze waziqeda,
ungazibala ngesiNdebele ungaziqeda.

Ungazibala ngesiNdebele uthi;

Besana bami labo ngabalunywa zinkalakala,
batjhuguluka yaba bentazana.
Balunywa zinkalakala batjhuguluka yaba besana.

Bentazana bami labo balunywa zinkalakala,
batjhuguluka yababentazana balunywa zinkalala.

Besana bami labo ngababumba iinkomo zomdaka,
Bayazibumba bayaziqeda bazithatha bayakulobola ngazo.
Balobola abentazana abahlakaniphileko abangavunuli amab'rugu,
abavunul' amarhabi  abavunul' imphephethu bavunul' iinthimba.

Bakar' inarha yoke bakara ngitjho namaKhuwa amaKhuwa abalingisa.”

Other incredible Artists are the Gamtjhiriri Band & Sophie Boys and is one of my Father’s favorites. Every time I play the Album He shares with me the life back then in South Africa during the apartheid days. The songs in my CD do not have titles but I think Track III is named,“Zumayelele” and the Artist expresses his concerns about the Witch Doctors who cause war between him and his parents, especially his mother. He questions the legitimacy of their profession since they work with a kind of consumable fruit known as “UNontupe” which is similar to another called “Umvilo”.

“Wo Zumayelele,
Wongelele Wom’ Wo zumayelele,
Wo Zumayelele, Wo zumayelele.
Ye ziNnyanga bani abosomthwadlana?
Ye qobe yiphutha,
Zathi nguMma loyo mna!

Ye ziNnyanga bani zabonoNtupe mna?,
Ye zingicabanisa nabazali bami.
Ye qobe yiphutha,
Zithi nguMma loyo mna!”

I close the article with a song by Amatjathangubo [cf. Amatshathangubo] entitled “Igobondela” from their early Album. They are one of my favorites from KwaNdebele region led by uBaba uMnguni. They are also available on Facebook.

“Yel’ Amadoda anamala,
Maye sel’ afuze Abefazi,
Uwathola nge-Nndevukazi,
Ahlezi ebandla akhuluma amala.
Batjho intombi yefiga…, [Inaudible]
Wathath’ uMgobha wawufaka ekhaya,
Awumazi umfazi lo,
Awuzazi nezenzo zakhe,
Wamthatha ngale kombundu,
Yela ngumakade ebona lo,
Kade agudla amawa,
Kade akhwelela amaTh’raga
Kade bamedana nge…, [Inaudible]….”


Thursday 4 June 2015

Innodo- Course of Events [II]

Innodo- Course of Events [II] 

July "Wara" Mahlangu [Saai Plaas Boys Lead Singer, Edited]

Innodo- Course of Events [II]The Innodo course of events continues and today we are looking at the Elders of Ndebele music, Maphophotha , Koernag NamaDlanga and Two Gunmen & Ndebele Queens. For those who listen to Zulu Traditional Music especially Maskandi will be familiar with Phuzushukela. I have to say that Maphophotha is more like Phuzushukela in Ndebele Traditional Music, Innodo. He was described as the Father of Ingadla which is a kind of Ndebele dance. Here is one of his songs which in my view describe the support that one receives from a family.

Maphophotha: T-III

“Arha..! YemaNdebele, akhen’ thath’ abentwana,
Nibathumel’ esikolweni, sizokuba namaKhomph’yutha, intwez’ tjhintjako.

UGogo uzang’ Nngidel’ igwabo
UMma yen’ uzang’ phekel’ ithunga
UMkgharibami yen’ uzang’ thezel’ iinkuni
UDade uzak’ phothel’ umnqamo
UBaba uzang’ hlabis’ ikomo

Kho! Aw’zwe! Aw’zwe!
Wazibamba Kortman.
Maye mna! Ungikhumbuza phasi KonoMtjharhelo.
Zinqindze Budi, Khonalaphoke! Heyi, Kho! Kho!

The second song talks about the Kings of the AmaNdebele people but not in full details.

Maphophotha: T-I
Angen’ Amakhos’ akaMabhoko,
Newungawaziko yewubuze sikutjele thin’ aboMaphophotha.
Uqal’ ulaleleke Mngani,
Amakhos’ ekhethu mathi;
Uzak’thoma laph’ eLorini, ungene kwaMabena.
Newehlak’ entatjanenapha, thath’ iS’keyi,
Uyibophe ikoloyakaletjhe leyo, kukwaGegana ke  lapho!

Indlel’ eyekhenu, le ngenzasi ‘Kwasim’ iyembiwa’ [Inaudible]
Yewubuze sikutjele mani.
Ugega nomlambo yi, uyokungena ‘eKwaggafontein’ [Inaudible]
Nas’ isibha, mawuyama laph’ aya, emlanjena,
Umlambo lo bathi yiTjhaluza.
Mawuyehlaphaya, yiKos’ ekheth’ uMahlangu,
KuseMthambothini ke lapho!

Bababelo Bebe uyajabula may’ uBaba.
Bababelo Bebe yiKos’ enjan’ le eyaduma esi…[Inaudible]

Arha! Amakhos’ ekhethu  ayalila enzasi le,
Akhen’ ikhambe nibuyel’ ekhaya mani,
Amakhos’ ekhethu akanin’ umuntu…”

I have to mention that Koernag NamaDlanga is the best as well, below is a song entitled “Siyathuthuka” and it is my medicine indeed when I am down or thinking about the challenges I face in life.

 “Sebayang’rara, sebayas’rara…!
Siyathuthuka, siyathuthuka…!
‘Basizondel’ anabantwaba…!’

Zonda mthakathi, mara thina siyathuthuka,
simaNdebele madoda, akusenandaba,
singakhamba sitjhinga phambili.

Asithuthuke maNdebele.
Sirage sitjhinge phambili,
Siyawuthokoza uMrhatjho weS’khethu,
Won’ owasenzel’ intwehle,
Sikwazi ukuthaba nawo uMrhatjho weS’khethu,
Ngoba usiphathel’ iingoma ezimnandi,
IsiNdebele, nazo zoke. ”

One of my favorite songs by Two Gunmen & Ndebele Queens, “UBaba Uthi Angikhambe” I love his sound because of its uniqueness. He was such a Genius; another master-piece is “Inyoka Esikhwameni,” and “Kiya Tsamaya”. All the songs are found on Ikwekwezi FM CD [Celebrating 25 Years on Air]

UBaba Uthi Angikhambe
 “UBaba Uthi Angikhambe ngibuyel’ ekhaya,
Yemadod’ anezono angizilis’ utjwala,
Halalala…! Yenitjhide yenitjhide,
Nang’ uTwo Gunmen engena.
Yeyi yeyi yeyi yeyi, ayibambane,
Tjhagala Rodo!”


Wednesday 3 June 2015

Innodo- Course of Events [I]

KwaDlawulale [Close To Grobersdal]

Innodo- Course of Events [I]I have to mention that my love for Ndebele and other South African Traditional music began at an earlier stage. It was in a Village named Thabaleboto that I first started listening to Innodo. At first it was a matter of dancing to the beats and ignoring the messages in the songs and that changed when I left the Country to complete my studies elsewhere. It was abroad that I gave myself time to listen to the lyrics and came to understand to some extend the depth of the messages. In KwaDlawulale at that time the popular group was Saai Plaas Boys with the Album entitled “Inyakanyaka IsePitori” and among others the popular songs were;

Amasiko Wabo Bamkhulu

“Nama siko wabo Bamkhulu ngek’ aphelel’ emoyeni sikhona thina,
Akhe nilise izinto zabantu nilise ukuhlukumez’ abantu, sinizwile thina,
Siyayilalela iKwekwezi, siyilalela kanqane sinizwile thina…”


                                              “Amazinywami ngiyawafuna amazinywami,
Yel’ amazinywami ngiyafuna amazinywami,
Wom-wom Wom-wom Wom-wom,
Wom-wom ngilahlekwelwe mazinywami,
Bengijwayele ukuhlihlitheka…”

IIntombi ZamaDuba

“Yel’ IIntombi zamaDuba zidlal’ amakwakwana woya woya,
Yel’ IIntombi zamaDuba zidlal’ amakwakwana woya woya,
Ye nokuphothela aziphotheli.
Gijima msan’ omnqane utjele uBab’ ekhaya…”

Inyakanyaka IsePitori

“Ye niyasibona sinje thina sitjhiy’ inyakanyaka isePitori ngelele eMamelodi,
Siyawabona’ Amadoda aphum’ ekhaya athwel’ iinjazi ngelele ayokulal’ emaweni,
Thina nje nasifik’ ekhaya siyokuthola baphi abafelokazi?”

Usonyana Uyahlaba

Yengizom’khelelwa ngubani usonyana yel’ uyahlaba,
Yel’ uyahlaba mna! Yel’ uyahlaba mna!...” 

The whole Album is composed of songs as shown below,

Album: Inyakanyaka IsePitori
Track List
  1. Inyakanyaka IsePitori
  2. Isomiso Sibhokile
  3. Amasiko WaboBamkhulu
  4. Nibambelele Bantwana
  5. UMangope Ubalekile
  6. Amazinywami
  7. IIntombi ZamaDuba
  8. UBaba Bamenzani
  9. IImbilinga Zihlasele
  10. Usonyana Uyahlaba

In those days the most popular storage for playing songs was a Cassette and our Uncles use to buy them from Pretoria to be played in the Villages during the holidays and festive seasons.  Apart from Saai Plaas Boys there were other famous Innodo singers such as Joriyo NePhororo with songs such as; 


“Unyakozako ingoma iyaya siyokuwela kwaNyabela Baba,
Ningangibona nanginje mina ngikhule ngiyintandane Baba,
Nebakwethu balele kanti solo bayako Baba,
Sekwaduma izulu ekuseni labulala bakwethu Baba.”

 Umlambo Uthwele IIngodo

“Simatjhatjha asibalekeni nak’ umlambo uthwel’ iingodo,
Nak’ umlambo uthwel’ iingodo…,
Ungangizonda ungizondelani wangizondel’ int’ okungeyami.”

 Nas’ Intwenye

“NaMadoda hloniphani, naMadoda hloniphani, hloniphan’ utjwala,
NaMadoda nas’ intwenye iyangitjhutjhumeza ngemva kwami,
Ngibathe ngiyayithintitha solo ayifuni ukusuka ngemva kwami,
Mina ngikhambe ngayokulala nangivukako sol’ ila.”


"Whoa...! Ke nna se tupe sa maina amantjhi.
Ke Tsatsaapane ya ga bo monna,
'Monna ge a tlile ke rata tintane marole' [Inaudible]
Ke ngwana wa le tlakala la BoPedi,
Tsoga o tle o bone ngwana o tlaba wa se bo laya Kgosi.
Whoa...! Namelang dithaba Bakone.

Yonna nkeseng ka geso kaPatantshwane,
Yonna re bana ba maPedi maPerekwana,
Yonna Rite sa nkube ga wo rata go mpolaya.

Yo nna Rite ga se mo ke Tafelkop,
Yo nna ro tjhentjha diwatjhe ka Sontaga,
Yo nna tsatsi re le bone ka Sontaga,
Yo nna lona ga le hlaba le hlaba pula.

Ke se hlabana ke hlabile ka Monyamane Ntsho Matshwifana.
Ke thaka Madipekele re di garafo re feta re lebelela menyako.
Yo! Ke Tsoriyo! Gote gote Bakone.
Ke Tonki Mathinthinyane ntlhabe ke mokgosi koa fateng tsa Magomosha.
Ga ele Mafokosane ona ke go tswa ka gare ga difate.
Ga ele maru ke go pipa dithaba.

Gote gote namelang dithaba Bakone.
Ga reyeng ga reyeng ga reyeng! Bakgakga."

In fact the late Joriyo is from Tafelkop Village and not so far from my home. I have to mention that other Artists such as Maphophotha, Nopeni NePakama, Koernag NamaDlanga, Two Gunmen & Ndebele Queens are very old but their songs live forever.
The incredible Nopeni NePakama came with hits such as “Sibari Sami” and “Storomela”.

Sibari Sami

"Zibambe Mngani,
Zibambe Zibambe,
Zibambe sikhambe.
Awuyibambe Mnganami iBhey’si leyo ungathukwa,
Ungathuswa yilize.
Yizinto ezinqane lezo Mnganami,
NgesiNdebele sithi,
Zintw’ ezinqani.
Kutlhaga okunqane lokho.
Qinisa Nopeni, Phiri-phiri mrubhudlh’ akoNugu.
Drayere ivuthele iFley’dakho leyo, ivuthele Mfan’ asekhaya.
Nayirhona ukudabuka idabuke.
Bafana nibambe Innodo nathi siphele sibethe iPempe iFengwana,
Sigcwalise isiNdebele soke phakathi naphakathi."


“Jamani khenginitjele Bafana Bakithi.
Nginitjele ngento esize ngayo lapha Bafana Bakithi.
Maye mna! uNopeni ubambe is’nara besidabuke,
uqinise Mfan’eWaterval.
Mfan’ omnqani mfan’ akosoTshoro,
Khubethe iPempe leyo kheng’ ngide mfana…”